The Charity of the URL Donor

There are a lot of Good Samaritans in the world. And some people who are closing down a website and do not mind giving the URL to someone else might consider submitting to a free URL submission site. The internet is, by and large, widely open. Pretty much anyone can start a webpage without too much trouble. That being said, there is one way in which the internet does regulate what we can search for an where we can set up shop.

URLs is one of these areas. Obviously, two websites cannot have the same URL. This leads to absolutely no where. URLs are, perhaps, one of the few areas of the internet which are not common property. It is possible to add URL free to a database which will see that it gets to someone else. Free URL submissions are a way to provide website to people who cannot afford their own without charging an arm and a leg for it.

For people who are asking the question how can I submit my URL, there are several websites which can provide instructions for how to do this. A free URL submission is not the only way to get a website to someone, but if you are not planning on passing it on to a friend, it can be one of the best methods.

For people who want to submit URL free, there are a number of organizations which are probably willing to receive a free URL submit. Of course, this is not to say that free URL submission is the best choice for everyone. Some people might prefer to make a profit off of the URL rather than making it a free URL submission, but there are a lot of options for people with every different interests. URLs are important to everyone. And they are always a great way to give back.